The Village Barn Tyrellspass wedding of Aileen & Dave

The Village Barn Tyrellspass wedding of Aileen & Dave 1

“Everyone will have an opinion on what you should do for your wedding. They probably mean well. Smile. Thank them. And then do whatever the hell you want! It’s not their wedding, it’s yours! Get married in your pyjamas and serve everyone spice bags for dinner, if you want!”

What was important to you about your wedding – what were your priorities from the very beginning?

Our top priority was to give our friends and family a great day but in a verrrrrry relaxed way. We wanted to keep things as simple as humanly possible for ourselves. But, at the same time, we wanted to stick in a few bits and bobs that would make the day special for us. So we had birds on sticks, confetti canons and a friend’s baby lifted up like Simba to ‘The Circle of Life’ at the end of our ceremony, we walked into dinner to the Baywatch theme tune and we asked our DJ to do a Christmas section as part of his set.

We basically wanted to get a gang of the people we love together in one space to have a big fiesta and celebrate our glorious union!

 What made your venue “the one”? 

I have to be completely honest, I loved Willie’s and the Barn before I’d even met David! A few years before he and I found each other, I rented an AirBNB from Peter (the venue owner) who insisted we have a look around the barn. And I completely fell in love with the place. So then I just needed to find a husband!

David and I looked at six venues one weekend, including Willie’s and the Barn. And he utterly loved the place too. Even though it was a bit of a building site when we first visited it, David picked up on the same laidback magic that I had. David Smyth (the wedding coordinator) and the team were what really sold it though – they spoke about previous couples with genuine warmth. They were sound and basically gave us the run of that place and were so thoughtful! 

What advice would you give to other couples planning their day?

The most important thing to keep in mind is that there isn’t anything that you have to do. Everyone will have an opinion on what you should do for your wedding. They probably mean well. Smile. Thank them. And then do whatever the hell you want! It’s not their wedding, it’s yours! Get married in your pyjamas and serve everyone spice bags for dinner, if you want!

Also have a GINORMOUS breakfast! Get that porridge into you or you’ll be starving!!!

The Village Barn Tyrellspass wedding of Aileen & Dave 2

the village barn wedding tyrrellspass