I never accompany my posts with a sentiment. I try to let the pictures speak for themself, but this wedding has broken the mould for three reasons. Firstly, It is very rare for a couple to plan their wedding day to suit the availability of the photographer; however, this couple did, which is hugely flattering for me. Secondly, I was given the privilege to shoot their wedding day after their engagement session was shot by Benj Haisch ( http://www.benjhaisch.com/
Outdoor wedding photography

I know this is an American reference, but your knocked this one outta the park, man. so jealous of those locations. T+E are pretty great as well, I guess :) Outdoor farm wedding in Kilkenny. American destination barn wedding in ireland. Hay balls wedding. Summer wedding in Ireland wedding photographer
I know this is an American reference, but your knocked this one outta the park, man. so jealous of those locations. T+E are pretty great as well, I guess :)
Very good reportage Pawel. You really captured the their love and passion :)
e me feel like I had been there…. Congrats Eric and Toni.
These turned out incredible! Great job Pawel, you did outstanding!
Love it! Love Eric’s face when he gets your gift from you Tonie Sexauer! Congrats!
really sweet work Pawel, amazing wedding.
Stunning. Absolutely beautiful. Congrats, Tonie!
These are the most beautiful wedding photos I have ever seen. They make me want to get married… or at least to take pictures!
Elizabeth Coppess
Northwest Univserity
Pawel, you did such an amazing job capturing the essence of Tonie and Eric. Really, job well done!
beautiful. I loved all of the old doors that were used as a backdrop.
Absolutely stunning photos!! Not only did you have some great scenery but the models aren’t half bad themselves (just kidding…they both look fabulous!). I really loved the one with just them, no scenery, and crackly looking paper background!
Congratulations! The photos came out superb! Great job at capturing memories to last a lifetime!
Congratulations Tonie and Eric! Terrific pictures!
These are fantastic!!!